Tuesday, October 6, 2015


There were five people in the audience for the Oceanside Arts Commission meeting.

Councilwoman Esther Sanchez was in the audience and was a speaker concerning the Pelican Project for lot 23 and the draft Mural Policy.

  1. Call to Order was at 3:05 P.M.
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Roll Call
  4. 4. Public Communications
    1. A speaker from the Audience spoke to the concern of Graffiti and that Murals could be one way to mitigate the problem
    2. A Communication was read by the clerk from an Oceanside Artist who owned a studio gallery and left Artists Alley because of the lack of foot traffic and the garbage bins close to her studio.
  5. Approval of Minutes,
  6. Financial Report.

Action item no. 7
There was a discussion of Lot 23. The proposed development of this property by Pelican Properties is that they would like to incorporate in their project a Public Art Sculpture.

It was reveled that Commissioner Mark Jensinoski has obtained with Pelican Properties a position as a paid consultant. He then was recused from further discussion about this item and left the room. Chairman Jonathan explained that Commissioner Jensinoski had known the Pelican Group before the project was brought before the Commission.

In reviewing the August meeting for the Commission Chairman Fohrman reviewed the renderings of the project and stated that there is a 20,000. budget for the art element. He wanted the commissioners to choose between letting the developer bring a design for approval, or forming an ad hoc to be involved in the process. There was no mention of Commissioner Jensinoski being a paid consultant for the Pelican Group at the August meeting. 

Lot 23

At this months meeting the Commission decided to work with the developer in advisory and complementary effort to facilitate the project with an ad-hoc committee.

Councilwoman Sanchez spoke that perhaps the City could provide additional funding for this project.  

Action Item no. 8 was a review of the Workplan for 2016 – 2018 and it was approved by unanimous consent.

Action Item no. 9
This was preceded by a slide presentation of Murals located within our City of Oceanside presented by Commissioner Joanne Tawfilis.

Commissioner Tawfilis the led the discussion of draft policy on Mural projects for our future in the City. This draft policy may be read at: https://www.ci.oceanside.ca.us/civicax/filebank/blobdload.aspx?blobid=40741

There were many comments about the kind of Murals, should there be a theme, should they be professional, should they be judged by specific criteria, and should they limited to where they can be located?

BeeBee Bastidas a muralist of worldwide fame from the audience spoke to the Commission that there should be inclusion of the wider community. He said that young folks he knew had no idea that the Commission was even here, let alone considering a Mural policy which would indeed have an impact on our local young artists.   
Mural by BeBe Bastidas

The Commission decided that since this was draft version, that there was a much needed way to include the community in the discussion of that would be inclusive and fair. The idea of free speech was one of the points of concern. They voted to have a Public Forum for Community input. The existing Murals would be “grandfathered” in.

Councilwoman Sanchez commented that Community involvement should be a given and that all of our Community Cultural groups be given the opportunity to participate.

A new ad- hoc committee was formed to facilitate this project.

Item 10 Reports by Commissioners on previously discussed items…
Report by Jonathan Fohrman on Arts meeting in Boston
Ad-Hoc reports
As an information comment on the Commissions moneys for the Master Planning for the Arts for the City of Oceanside, Commission Chairman said that there was an extra 5000. in the reserve which should not just “sit there” but be considered for a project which should have a productive use for our City.