Tuesday, February 2, 2016

February 2, 2016


  1. The First Meeting of the New Year was yesterday, February 1, at 3:10 PM
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Roll Call

  1. Public Comment  None
  2. Approval of Minutes
  3. Financial Report Feb. 2016 

  1. Action Items
a)     Grant Closure presentation of OCAF by Genevieve Wunder. The presentation was made by  Dmitry Demidov. He presented a video of a compilation of films made from last years Oceanside International Film Festival. The video was stunning in its images and impressive by the professional presentation.
b)     Dmitry also mentioned that the Grant from the Oceanside Arts Commission was very much appreciated and wishing that it could continue for this year. The Commission has decided that the budgeted amount from the Council will be combined with the money given next year to work on a Master Plan for the Arts for the City of Oceanside.
c)     The Commission voted to accept the closure.

d)     Commissioner Joanne Tawfilis Made the Comment: One of the goals is to make Oceanside a “Creative City.

  1. Work Plan and Follow  - Update on Sklar Memorial
a)     Councilman Jerry Kern made comments on the lack of progress of this issue. He mentioned that Past Mayor Skalr was the visionary who was responsible for the creation of the Harbor as we now know it. His original memorial was a plaque with a tree which has since died. Councilman Kern would like to see some kind of art work in the Harbor which does not at this time have any works of Art.
b)     Discussion followed by Commission members, as to what kind of Art Work should be considered. A full body bronze would be prohibitive, and this would not be pursued. Perhaps some other media should be considered, or maybe a bench.
c)     It was mentioned by both Councilman Kern and the Commission that perhaps the new Oceanside “Friends of the Arts” could help in the raising of funds for this project and others down the road.
d)     Councilman Kern said he would help with funding. But some realistic budget amount should be decided upon.

  1. Draft agenda for Public Art Forum
a)     A forum to let the Public know that “we are here” and that the Arts in Oceanside are a Community priority. There was much discussion about whether to have one or more and if there should be separate groups for separate forums. It was finally decided that should be Public for everyone and not separate stakeholders from the public meetings…  

  1. Prospective Projects-Further Planning
a)     5000. is available for a project.
                                                    i.     Commissioner Mark Jenisoski proposed that funding could be used for a sculpture in  Public Places
                                                   ii.     Joanne Tawfilis proposed that a Flag competition could be considered.. such as Encinitas has and then auctioned for funds.
                                                  iii.     Commissioner Ann Worth Neighborhood investment grants. She also had much enthusiasm for an installation which could be a yearly event.
                                                  iv.     Clarification on the idea that folks should bring “ideas” to the Public Forum.

              Update on the Old Paintings which have been stored in the clerk’s office. They have
              Found a home in San Diego at the 10th Ave. Arts Gallery. They will pay for the
              Shipping, restoration and upkeep of the paintings.

              Update on the Mural Policy…it seems as thought the policy that the Commission had a
              Draft for approval for the City Attorney was not forwarded to the Attorney. The process
              Had a hard time for continuity…C.J.Di Mento Staff Liaison said she would expedite the